Sunday, December 29, 2024

Constant Craving


The week between Christmas and the new year, I go into my office and look through all of my drawers, files and bookcases to see what needs to go. Despite bringing very few new items into my office, I am still able to fill a trash bag full of paper and "things."

I have many bookcases with books from nursing school, from all of the holistic courses I've taken over the past 35 years, from Reiki study and so much more. I can't throw a book away as I know the work that goes into the writing, publishing and selling. I can, however, donate the books to the local library for their book sales. I know someone will want and enjoy the books.

I pulled out a book written by Doreen Virtue in 1999 called Constant Craving A - Z, A Simple Guide to Understanding and Healing Your Food Cravings. The book is beautifully created and simple to read and understand. Each food is listed with a possible meaning behind the craving and a positive affirmation that helps develop a better relationship with food.

I just happened to look up Good 'n' Plenty, as it was in my stocking this Christmas. Huh, what does Santa know? OK, it's always hard reading the truth, but here it is:


Good 'n' Plenty - "You feel drained because something worries you."  The affirmation: "I take action where warranted, and channel worry into free-flowing meditation. Everything has a purpose."



Thank you Santa. I will take note of this and make sure I do a neurographic art drawing each day. That is my daily meditation that I enjoy. 



Thursday, December 19, 2024

Keep It Simple Silly!


As the holidays get closer and closer and stress escalates, take time to focus on simple tools for maintaining better balance - body, mind, spirit. Here are a few ideas:

1. Take a 5 minutes break, three times a day to just BREATHE. Notice your muscles relaxing, your brain clearing and your breathing getting deeper with each breath.

2. Water, water, water. Add a lemon or lime for some flavor if necessary.

3. Hourly, walk around in your house or apartment or just move your body.

4. Stay focused on the task at hand. 

5. Tune in frequently to what your body and your "little voice" is telling you. Let it be your guide.

6. Don't forget the benefit of laughing. Release some of that stress.

7. There are at least 5 channels playing Christmas movies 24/7. What better way to drift off to sleep. Spoiler Alert! There is always a happy ending!

8. If possible, go out in nature and leave any troubles with Mother Nature.

9. Keep some Bach Rescue Remedy at hand for those moments when you need a few drops of calm.

10. What are you grateful for this year? Give thanks for the positive in your life.


Friday, December 13, 2024

Overwhelm Relief With Eye Exercises

 There are many techniques for reducing stress and overwhelm and this article will focus on your eyes. The act of reading can weaken eye muscles with the back and forth motion. Reading on your phone or tablet can lead to eye strain. Add fatigue, poor lighting, stress, lack of sleep and your vision can become inhibited.

One simple technique to incorporate is to look up periodically and focus on something in the distance. Or, make it a frequent eye exercise of looking close then looking far away.

When you have a lot of mind chatter or overwhelm, the following exercise is extremely helpful.

 Take a deep breath with each step:

  • Look diagonally up to the RIGHT
  • Look to the RIGHT
  • Look diagonally DOWN LEFT
  • Look LEFT
  • Look diagonally UP LEFT




Thursday, December 12, 2024

Follow Up on Hydrogen Water

It's been a week since I started drinking hydrogen water -  I want to give an update with my experience.

As I have written before, Lyme and co-infections has been the challenge for me over the past 2 years. Everyone has a different experience and mine has involved brain and gut inflammation. Since drinking hydrogen water, I have lost 2 pounds of fluid. Yah! I feel like the inflammation is releasing rapidly despite all of the other efforts, supplements and treatment that I've been doing. I have more energy and I think my brain is actually more focused. And, it's only been a week. I have my husband drinking hydrogen water, as well, and I am looking forward to seeing what his assessment is.


Story #2:

My 12 year old Manx, Nugget Girl, had a stomach bug last week and stopped eating and eventually required a vet visit. Despite not eating, she immediately drank the
hydrogen water I put down for her. Although she needed more hydration at the office visit, she still wanted the hydrogen water when she returned home. I trust animals and their responses to people, environments and food. I am happy to say that Nugget turned the corner today and woke me as usual around 5:30 for food and has been eating small snacks all morning. What a relief!


Friday, December 06, 2024

Healthy Holiday Habits

 Happy Holidays!

I love this time of year and it can also be stressful. We've been through a time change which can throw body rhythms off, New England weather is all over the place and then all of sudden the holidays are here. Below are a few ideas to keep this holiday season healthy.

I have been measuring my stress and energy levels, heart rate variability and more with an app called Welltory -  The numbers are not where I would like them as healing from Lyme and co-infections has been challenging. However, this app is quite thorough and relatively inexpensive and gets to know you and your patterns. It is a tool to increase awareness of how your body is handling a normal day, a workout day or a stressful day.

Cooks Hook-Ups is an energy exercise that has been used for decades. The Cook Method, developed by Dr. Wayne Cook, a chiropractor and expert in electromagnetic energy, is an exercise that helps shift energy from the survival center in the left back brain region to the reasoning center in the mid-brain.
This shift decreases stress, improves reading ability, helps create clear listening and speaking skills, increases attention span and improves overall balance and coordination.

Part 1 

In a sitting position, cross your LEFT FOOT over your RIGHT KNEE.

Place your RIGHT HAND over your LEFT ANKLE BONE.

Wrap your LEFT HAND around the ball of your foot so that your fingers reach around the little toe to cover the top of your foot. 

Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and breathe in through your
nose. As you breathe out, let the tongue relax.

Repeat the breathing 7 times.

Part 2

Release your leg and sit comfortably.

Put your fingertips together and breathe as above 7 times. 

This exercise can be done any time you feel sad, angry, frustrated or
confused. Emotional centering is just one of many wonderful rewards with
Cook Hook-Ups.


Water, water, water! Often when we are tired, hungry, irritable, we just need water. Recently I started drinking hydrogen water to increase my overall energy, especially with my brain. I will report back with an assessment when I have used the hydrogen water for a period of time. Meanwhile, if you are interested: