Tuesday, January 30, 2024

An Overview of Your Life

 A year ago I decided to create two private Pinterest pages:

  • One page is dedicated to finding pictures of all of the places that I've been to in the United States and elsewhere.
  • Another page focuses on passions I've had in my life. And, there seem to be a lot!
    It's a wonderful way to discover positive experiences, fascinations, challenges and accomplishments and an overview of life so far. Creating these pages on Pinterest was a lot like making a scrapbook. I could see trends with both places visited and passions. There is still more life to live, so I will see what gets added to the pages next.



Monday, January 29, 2024

OMG Points

 Regardless of age, you have forgotten where you put your phone or why you went into a room or what day your best friend's birthday is! Life is happening fast and you need an easy way to gather your thoughts and remember something important.

I am going to call this exercise, Holding the OMG Points. It is simple and effective. You may already do this without knowing why.

  • Lightly touch your forehead (OMG Points) with your fingertips or palm of your hand;
  • Take deep cleansing breaths;
  • Gently massage your forehead to relieve visual stress.

That's it. You can be creative and add an intention, devise a visual of an alternate outcome of a stressful situation, see a color, etc. Be as creative as you want or just BREATHE and hold your forehead.

Your hands are electromagnetic and therefore act as magnets to draw blood flow to the front of your brain. This helps you think more clearly and remember.

The OMG points are also balance points for Stomach Meridian - an energy pathway in your body. Since you often hold stress in your stomach area and feel "butterflies" when faced with a new, challenging situation, holding your OMG points will help to balance a nervous stomach.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Right Questions

I have been going through my office bookshelves and deciding if there are books I want to donate to the library. I can't throw a book out as I know how much work goes into the writing, publishing and marketing of it.

I came across a book that I want to reread: The Right Questions, Ten Essential Questions to Guide You to an Extraordinary Life, by Debbie Ford. Debbie was an
author of 9 self-help books starting in 1998 with her first book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers. She died of cancer in 2013 at the age of 57. Her ability to inspire others still lives on.

I opened up to Chapter 8 of The Right Questions::

"Will This Choice Add to My Life Force or Will It Rob Me of My Energy?"

The first line says, "our life force is the key to our survival." That's a powerful statement and one to take seriously. I think life force energy is often taken for granted until you run out of it. How often do you check in with yourself and ask if you need to replace your energy physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually? And, do you replace it? I know this is a challenge for me. I have often given my energy away and I have payed for it dearly. 

As Iyanla Vanzant said on Oprah's show many years ago (and I'm paraphrasing): fill your vessel so full that there is overflow. It's the overflow that you give to others.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

"Switch On" Your Ears

 "I know you believe that you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant!"

Stop and think about all of the stimuli that you have in a day when it comes to sound, starting with the the alarm clock that marks the beginning of the day.

And, before you head out to work or the kids leave for school, there  may have been: 

  • Arguing;
  • Noise from the TV, computer, tablet, cell phone;
  • Messages coming in from a landline answering machine;
  • Planes flying overhead;
  • A car's breaks screeching outside;
  • The washing machine, dryer or dishwasher running;
  • The dog(s) barking;
  • And more.

You get the picture. Your ears are stressed with daily living and then when you add criticism, negative or hurtful words, your ears shut down and switch off. No wonder children are not able to hear their teachers and understand what is being taught. And, no wonder you feel like you can't take in any more information or listen to what someone is saying.

NOTE: you THINK with your ears. As a mom or dad, you have probably said to the kids, "turn the music down, I can't hear myself think."


To reduce stress in the ears and improve hearing ability, gently massage the inside and outside of your ears, Get all of the nooks and crannies. Spend as much time as you feel that you need. I think you will agree that this feels good.

This exercise stimulates over 400 acupuncture points in the ear which relates to functioning of the brain and body!


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"Switch On' Your Eyes

"She can't see beyond the nose on her face."

The simple act of reading can weaken eye muscles due to the continuous movement of the eyes back and forth across the page. Add fatigue, stress anxiety, poor lighting, etc. and vision can be inhibited and you will have a difficult time seeing what is right in front of you.

Your eyes are an extension of your brain and the only part of the brain that can be seen!

When your eyes are tired, your brain is tired.

  • Imagine the frustration of a child going to school, excited to learn to read and experiencing "switched off" eyes.
  • What happens to your driving ability when you are missing what is right in front of you?
  • How do you process information when your eyes are stressed?

You have eyes in back of your head!

Your mother wasn't the only one with eyes in back of her head. You do, too. If you could shine a light through the pupils of your eyes and have the light come out the back of your head, you would find your PRIMARY VISUAL AREA - PVA: the yes in back of your head.

To reduce stress in your eyes:

  • Massage the PVA while slowly bringing your eyes around the clock in one direction and then the other or use the chart below to access each eye position.
  • Take frequent deep breaths as you do the exercise.
  • Stretch your eye muscles as far as you can each time, without causing pain. If the muscles are tender, take another deep breath and return later to see if the tenderness is less.
  • Practice this exercise each day and you will see progress. Your eyes will not be as tender, your brain may feel more energized, focusing and processing information will be easier.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

A Daily Routine

 "Look for magic in the daily routine."

~ Lou Barlow

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


The following is a favorite list that I have used with clients for over 30 years. Unfortunately, I don't know who to give credit to for this insight. I am so grateful to the person who initially created it. I refer to this often, especially for myself.


  1. Give what you really don't want to give.
  2. Sacrifice your integrity to anyone.
  3. Do more than you have time to do.
  4. Drain your strength for others.
  5. Listen to unwise counsel.
  6. Retain an unfair relationship.
  7. Be anyone but exactly who you are.
  8. Conform to unreasonable demands.
  9. Be 100% perfect.
  10. Follow the crowd.
  11. Put up with unpleasant situations.
  12. Please unpleasant people.
  13. Bear the burden of another's behavior.
  14. Do something you cannot really do.
  15. Love unlovable people.
  16. Endure your own negative thoughts.
  17. Feel guilty toward your inner desires.
  18. Submit to overbearing conditions.
  19. Apologize for being yourself.
  20. Meekly let life pass you by

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Foot Care

I am an information gatherer both for myself and others. I would say it has always been a passion of mine to study, research and learn something new.

Recently, I have found important information on Instagram by following those who I feel have mastered their field of study. The topic of hips/pelvic floor/feet imbalance and how to recover is finally being recognized as necessary instruction. Women, especially, need support for their pelvis especially after carrying a pregnancy and giving birth. Tourqued hips, tight Psoas, Iliacus and Gracilis muscles left unchecked can lead to foot problems down the road. Toes squished in tight shoes, heels, athletic shoes/boots also create problems for many.

If you can relate to this, I encourage you to go to Petra Fisher's website: www.petrafishermovement.com She is a wealth of knowledge, offers free instructional videos on both her website and social media outlets and is passionate about helping people heal. I use her daily foot care exercises. After years of tight ice skates for ice dancing, ski boots, aerobics shoes, tap shoes, "cute" shoes, I have foot problems! Petra's exercises are easy to do and with consistency, there is progress. She is relatable, understands the challenge you might face and teaches with enthusiasm. Check her out.


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Too Much

There is only so much that your nervous system can take at any one time. And, everyone is different. For example, my hearing is very sensitive. I hear things that my husband can't hear. It's always been that way. So, if we go into a crowded restaurant with everyone talking, he will say to me, "we have to leave, right?" It's too much for me. Period.

You may be someone who can't take bright lights and wear sunglasses and a hat when you go outside. Someone else has trouble being with a lot of people at once. Most of us are troubled by negativity.

The main point is to learn what too much means to you. It could be too much of people, places, things, energy, words, news, certain sounds, etc. This is a personal awareness. Too often, you may find yourself forcing a situation when you know it isn't good for you physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually.

Once you are able to determine what too much looks and feels like (which does take practice), it's time for Plan B. What can you do to re-balance your energy? As you know, there will be times when you get into overwhelm. Life happens. What works for you? Do you need to go for a run, go to bed early, have a healthy dinner, journal, take a walk in nature, hang out with your dog, leave a relationship, take a flower essence, use an essential oil, look a baby billy goat videos? It has to work for you. 

Practice being aware of what your body tells you in different situations. Try various techniques for re-balancing your energy. Keep it simple.


Tuesday, January 09, 2024


My lesson for 2024 is being vulnerable, something I have never been good at. Being a Leo, I am comfortable and confident with a microphone and an audience, especially when I am teaching or discussing something that I have studied or am passionate about. But, put me at a cocktail party or dinner afterwards and I go into an introverted and self-conscious place.

Thankfully, Dr. Brene Brown, researcher and storyteller, has brought the subject of shame and vulnerability to the forefront. Her TED talk, The Power of Vulnerability, has over 63 million views! Her books are numerous and you can find more valuable information on her website: www.brenebrown.com

I have always taught my students that suppressing BIG emotions creates BIG dis-ease in the body. Emotions are just energy and they need to be expressed. How they are expressed will be different for everyone. I love to be in the woods clearing paths with all of my tools. It's physical, grounding and healing. You may need to journal or run or scream or take a bath or curl up with your dog and have a good cry. Whatever works is right.


My Naturopathic Doctor has given me the homework of writing my life traumas, not necessarily all of them or in order. She also gave me the homework to FEEL. Jeez. I'm a trauma specialist who needs help dealing with her own very real traumas that I have minimized! For right now, that is being vulnerable to admit that I do a great job helping others and I still have a lot of work ahead learning how to help, support and heal myself.


Friday, January 05, 2024

Space Clearing


 It's January and a great time to de-clutter, organize and simplify. If you are like me, you want to get it done in one day. However, clutter may have accumulated for years, so it's not a realistic expectation and could set you up for failure.

One technique might be to pick the drawers in your bedroom to go through today. Tomorrow, you might want to tackle a cabinet in the kitchen. Maybe it's time to try on all of your sweaters and see which ones fit, which ones are too old, which ones could be donated, etc.

As you clear the "stuff", clear the energy, as well. You might want to smudge or spray a space clearing mist such as the Australian Bush Space Clearing Mist. It includes the individual flower essences: Angelsword, Boab, Fringed Violet, Lichen, Red Lily along with essential oils. I love the smell and the feeling of release.I order all of my Australian Bush flower essences, mists, books and more at: www.southernherb.com. 

Thursday, January 04, 2024

Be Your Own FitBit

Fitbit Inc. is a company in San Francisco that manufactures activity tracker products. A Fitbit tracks your steps, miles walked or run, heart rate, steps climbed, quality of sleep, etc. It became the rage in 2007 and still is. You may already have one and use it all the time.

Fitbit is an awareness tool. Awareness is the key word. I am a firm believer that awareness is 99% of the solution to any problem that we have. Wikipedia states:

 "Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions or sensory patterns."

So, how do you become your own Fitbit and increase your conscious awareness of your thoughts, feelings, activities, challenges, successes, sleep patterns, etc.?

  • You may find the good, old-fashioned method of keeping a journal or diary an important first step. The act of writing actually integrates your two brain hemispheres allowing you to become more clear, focused, and yes, aware.
  • Develop a ritual of meditation. This could be a silent, solitary
    experience, a group meditation or a moving meditation such as
    walking, gardening, yoga, knitting, etc. The act itself quiets the
    mind and allows for introspection, peacefulness and awareness.
  • Your physical body is constantly sending you messages about what is occurring on a deeper level - mental, emotional and/or spiritual. 
  • A few books that I recommend:
    The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal; Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay; Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup and The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, to name a few. Each of these books offers a holistic awareness of the health and wellness of your body as well as suggestions for changing your perspective and increasing your health naturally.
  •  As a kinesiologist, I would be remiss if I didn't discuss the power of muscle testing as an awareness tool. Muscle testing is a biofeedback tool that allows you to have access to your Body Wisdom, which includes cellular information on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. You can start to access your Body Wisdom by using your physical body as a pendulum. 
  • For example: stand up and let your arms rest by your side. Say aloud, "show me what a positive or 'yes' looks like." Your body will start to fall forward. Next say, "show me what a negative or 'no' looks like." Your body will want to fall backward. This simple tool gives you a starting point when you need information or awareness that is true for you.
  • To help you with further body awareness, I recommend Donna Eden's book, Energy Medicine or Energy Medicine for Women. It is filled with valuable information and guidance for understanding and healing your body on all levels. It's easy to understand with numerous pictures and energy exercises for feeling more connected and focused. You can also find multiple videos on YouTube, her Facebook page and www.edenmethod.com with many free class opportunities.

"Trust your gut. You know yourself, so don't let somebody else tell you who you are." Tatiana Masiani