Friday, February 19, 2010

Another prominent theme that has been surfacing for many of my clients is the concept of STRUGGLE - physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. It has been exciting and rewarding for me to assist in the release of patterns that just aren't working and to help repattern a new belief system. When we come from an "easy button" approach, nothing changes in the outside world, but our new perspective shifts everything on the inside!

I don't work a Staples, nor do I have stock in the company, but I highly recommend buying an Easy Button. I keep mine on my desk and I have to say, from the moment I bought one, it chenged my way of looking at things. There is an easy way and a hard way. How would you like it to be?

To release struggle and move forward toward an inspiring future, consider a kinesiolgy session with me. Check out my web site for more information:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Australian Bush flower essence, Boab, has been coming up in sessions for my clients for the past month. Often, when there is a theme presenting itself in my office, it is simply showing me what is happening universally.

As you can see, the Boab tree, which is found in the north-west region of Western Australia, is rather large. Flowers are present from November to February but only last for one day and are pollinated by fruit bats.

The main healing properties of Boab is for personal freedom by releasing enmeshment in negative family patterns that have been passed from generation to generation, clearing other non-family, negative Karmic connections and releasing negative thought patterns.

Affirmations for this flower essence from Ian White's book, Bush Flower Healing, are:

"I now release and clear all negative conditioning and family traits from my psyche."

"I create my own reality which is now free of all persecution and abuse."

"I now choose to fulfill my own destiny and not my family's."