Friday, September 29, 2023


 From the book, Start Where You Are, by Meera Lee Patel, she asks:

"If you could own only four possessions for the rest of your life, what would they be?" 

This question is harder than you think. My husband and I played around with this. We said, well definitely a car. But, we decided that we could rent or lease. Well then, a house. We could also rent. As we listed different possessions, we concluded that most of what we owned could easily be given up. They are all just "things." 

Meera's book has so many questions like the one above. It really gets you thinking and gives you a better idea of who you are and what you value.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Overwhelm Support

 Overwhelm occurs when your nervous system is stuck in freeze mode: fight, flight, freeze. If you can't run or fight, you protect yourself by becoming immobile. Jodie Cohen, founder of Vibrant Blue Oils writes:

"The freeze response kicks in when the survival system has decided that whatever is facing us is too overwhelming."

So, what do you do? I encourage you to visit the website:

Jodie is an authority on essential oils. Her extensive blogs on the overwhelm response are from many different perspectives. Her book, Essential Oils to Boost the Brain & Heal the Body is a must have. You will feel like you have gone back to school and you will be armed with meaningful information to support your body, mind, spirit.


If you are a facilitator for healing or simply interested in learning more to help yourself become healthier, I recommend the information and summits at

Come back to my blog for more information on the nervous system. I will continue to post simple techniques for supporting your brain and body.









Addicted to Drama

 I just received the book, Addicted to Drama by Dr. Scott Lyons, a holistic psychologist and body-based trauma expert. I'm interested in his take on the dependency of crisis, chaos and trauma, especially for my clients who struggle with trauma exposure responses.

As a behavioral kinesiologist, I spend considerable time helping clients "rewire" their brain and subconscious. There is an area of the brain called the CIA - Common Integrative Area - that loves to hold you in what you know. If trauma or chaos is the norm, your brain will be confused when you are still and quiet. It's looking for the crisis.

I see that Dr. Lyons has some tips for healing that are very reasonable. I would add that you need to become aware of who and what overwhelms you. What is "too much" for you? The world is already overrun with fear, chaos, confusion. Get to know your limits and become aware of when to step away. And, overwhelm happens. What brings you back into balance? Do you need to turn off your phone or tv, take a walk, take a shower, dance, listen to music, take a flower essence, punch a pillow, pet your cat? Do what works for you.

I have always believed that AWARENESS is 99% of the solution to any problem!






Sunday, September 10, 2023

Ancestral Math

 Everyone has generational patterns that travel along the DNA. Some traits and behavior patterns are wonderful and others are not. I do not finger point or place blame. Life happens to everyone. In my job as a holistic nurse and kinesiologist, I get to identify and support the release of your generational beliefs, limiting thoughts, faulty core beliefs, negative patterns and so much more. In doing so, it offers an understanding of what some of the progenitors went through in their lifetime. I find it fascinating.

I came across this interesting chart that shows the reality of how many people came before you. Imagine the stories!

Friday, September 08, 2023

Kidney Meridian Acupressure Point

 K-27, also called energy buttons, is a Kidney Meridian acupressure point that lies right below your collar bone, towards the midline of your body. When tapped or massaged it has the ability to:

  • strengthen your immune system;
  • improve vision;
  • get you focused and alert;
  • help you think more clearly;
  • help you read and comprehend more easily;
  • calm tension, anxiety, worry;
  • reset your electro-magnetic body;
  • gives you more energy;
  • can be done any time you need any of the above.

Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence

 Star of Bethlehem is a Bach flower essence for releasing acute shock and trauma. I have so many stories of instant relief coming from a few drops of this wonderful vibrational medicine. I recommend keeping this flower essence on hand for yourself and your children.

When my daughter was 8 years old, she got stung by a bee or yellow jacket. You know how much that hurts! She was hysterically crying. I squirted drops of Star of Bethlehem flower essence in her hands and she immediately stopped crying! I was surprised at how fast it was able to quiet her nervous system.

4 drops of the flower essence under the tongue, on the palms of the hands or drops in water can immediately support you during a traumatic experience. It is simple and powerful at the same time.

Thursday, September 07, 2023

De-Stress with a Simple Exercise

The following is a self-care technique to release pent up anger, frustration and stress so that you don't become a volcano ready to erupt. Use it for yourself and teach it to your children. They feel overwhelm just as much as the grownups in their life!

1. Stand. Rub your hands together and then shake them off.

2. Take a deep breath and circle your arms above your head.

3. Turn your hands towards you and make a fist.

4. As you blow the air out, "pound" your fists and arms downward. When your arms reach the bottom of the motion, open your hands.

5. Repeat 2 more times, slowly and deliberately.

6. Finish with a "Zip Up" energy exercise. Place your hand on your public bone, take a deep breath as you move your hand up the center of your body to the lower lip. Repeat three times.


Just Breathe

 It seems so simple to say ... just breathe. It's automatic, right? It is, and you can support so many systems in your body with conscious breathing. Take 5 minutes during the day to focus on deep cleansing breaths. Be aware of your muscles relaxing, your brain clearing and know that you are also detoxifying your body.

One technique you may be aware of is square breathing. It's a wonderful recommendation for anxiety, stress or just needing a break.

Breathe in for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Release for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Repeat as many times as you feel you need.


 Another breathing technique that is helpful for reducing stress and supporting body systems is belly breathing. Get comfortable sitting or lying.

1. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly, below your rib cage;

2. Focus for a moment on relaxing;

3. Breathe in slowly through your nose. Feel the hand on your belly rise.

4.  Exhale slowly through pursed lips. Is the hand on your chest staying still?

These are only two examples of breathing techniques. Allow yourself to tune in throughout the day and focus on your breath and notice when deep breathing becomes automatic. That is the result of neuroplasticity or the ability of your brain to "rewire" based on new learning patterns.