Friday, July 06, 2007

For the past 19 years I have expressed a fascination with the themes that develop on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis with the clients who I work with as a specialized kinesiologist. I've said all this time that I should really keep track of them. And...I never did. Well, I've decide that the time is now (!) to follow the interesting story that develops with the people who are willing to share their problems, their desperations and their soul to me.

I must first tell you that the theme for the past year has centered around the concept of prison - feeling a prisoner in our mind and body. It has been a step by step process starting with the awareness that the prison exists (and has been for some time) and then being willing to step out towards freedom. That part has proven to be scary. Freedom is a great concept but if you haven't experienced it before, you have no parameters that feel safe.

That puts us to the theme of this week: Enmeshment. Think about throwing all of your silver and gold necklaces in a bag and packing for a vacation. When you open the jewelry bag you find the necklaces intertwined and knotted. It's hard to untangle them without a lot of frustration. This is what enmeshment looks and feels like. It's hard to know what is yours and what is theirs, from emotions to thoughts to fears and beliefs.

The flower essence that supports one through this issue of co-dependence and
Monga Waratah flower

enmeshment is an Australian Bush Flower Essence called Monga Waratah. The positive energy of this flower is about strengthening of one's will and reclaiming one's spirit. In the process, one is able to find the strength to leave a situation or relationship that is stifling or dis-empowering. The standard procedure for the flower essence is 7 drops, twice a day for two weeks. I do, however, muscle test each client to determine what is best for their body.

So, check in with yourself. Is there a situation or relationship that needs to be resolved? Do you need to free yourself from a thought, belief, fear, person, situation that is holding you back from the freedom that you would like to experience? Awareness is the first step towards any change.

To be continued....

1 comment:

*Stella*Bella* said...

Ginger, I LOVE your blogspot! You go, Girl!