Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Highly Sensitive Person

"You need to toughen up!"
"You're so thin-skinned!"

You have probably heard that a million times. And, you may have tried to toughen up, but to no avail. There is a reason for that.

Let's look at your actual physical insulation, the thickness of the skin, which serves to insulate nerve receptors from internal and external environmental input. This relates to the entire body: epidermis (skin), the linings of the organs and the sheathes of the nervous and circulatory system. They all reflect the same degree of insulation - or lack of it.

Characteristics of thin-skinned individuals are:

- Small pores;
- Delicate bone structure;
- Fine hair;
- Very thin lines or almost no lines on the forehead;
- Physically sensitive to environmental input - emotional, as well;
- Quicker to respond to stimuli;
- Delicate;
- Able to see the veins clearly in one's hands.

Once you have the awareness that you are thin-skinned, you can begin the process of discovering what to do about it. First, and foremost, you won't grow thick skin! This is INNATELY who you are. This is part of your gift to the world.

Some things to consider:

- Choose to be responsible for your own physical comfort and well-being;
- Get to know what situations feel safe for you;
- Know that less is more in most situations;
- Take care of yourself;
- Use your sensitivity, refinement and discernment as a positive in your life.

You may need support to balance the energy around you and within you. Consider a kinesiology session to remove any blocks that might prevent you from moving forward as well as to find positive ways to take being thin-skinned from a curse to a blessing.

For more information, go to my web site: www.optionstohealth.com or e-mail me at: optionstohealth@comcast.net.


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