Thursday, October 19, 2023

Divine Intervention?

For most of my adult life, I've believed in angels, guides, messengers of God/Higher Power, synchronicity. I love when things happen that can't be explained. Is there really Divine intervention? I'd like to think so. I'm really not very woo woo but I have so many stories and happenings that can't be explained logically.

This story is about Mikey, the cat. We got Mikey when we lived in a 200 year old house that had the wide, pine floors that were polished to a shine. Mikey as a kitten would come skidding around the corners in the house and eventually got the nickname "Skids." He cracked us up.

After living in the house for 7 years, we were able to break ground on a new house in the same town. We sold the wonderful 1790 house and rented a house in the next town as it would take close to a year to excavate the property and build the house.

When we moved into the rental house, we kept Mikey and our Maine Coon, Wyatt, inside for a few weeks. We didn't want them wandering off. Finally, we let them out for a little bit and I stayed with them to see if they would take off exploring.

Then the day came when Wyatt came in for a snack but didn't have Mikey with him. I knew Mikey wouldn't miss a meal so I wasn't concerned until nighttime arrived with no sign of Mikey. Morning came ... no Mikey. I went through the neighborhood asking if they would check to see if Mikey had gotten curious and gotten locked into a garage. No Mikey. I put up signs and the children asked every day if we had found him.

The people who bought our house called several times and thought they had a Mikey sighting. Could he have walked about 10 miles back to the house we sold? By the time we drove to the house, he was nowhere to be found.

Months went by and no Mikey. Around Halloween, our neighbor across the street said she thought she knew where he was! Her daughter worked at a local vet's office, her car had broken down and my neighbor went to pick her up. She was convinced that Mikey was the cat that someone brought to the office hoping the owners would be found. 

I arrived first thing in the morning at the animal hospital. I walked in and looked to my right and there was a skinny Mikey in a kennel looking at me!! Apparently, Mikey found himself at another neighbor's house that was about a mile away. After a few days of feeding him they brought him to the vet hoping someone would claim him.

What are the odds? 

1. I had only waved to my neighbor and never had a chance to talk until that day

2. Her daughter worked at the animal hospital that Mikey was brought to.

3. The daughter's car broke down and had to be picked up

4. The people who fed Mikey brought him to the animal hospital that connected all the pieces of the puzzle.

Wait...there's more. Weeks later, I ran into our neighbor who lived in the woods next to the 1790 house we had sold. She rescued cats and had about 10 of them. Mikey used to walk through the tall grass to her house to get a treat and visit with all of the kitties. She happened to go to animal hospital with one of her cats, saw Mikey but didn't recognize him. She told the staff to call her if no one claimed him and she would take him home! I think once she had fattened him up, she would have known who he was and called us.

Was this coincidence, a lucky happening or Divine intervention? We'll never know but I like to think Mikey had an angel helping him find his way back to us. After all, wasn't he a furry angel?


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