Saturday, October 09, 2010

Fall is a great time for a body "tune-up." Transitioning from one season to another can often be overwhelming for our systems. Weather patterns change, food choices change, expectations change and we find ourselves feeling stressed and a little crazy!

Here is a simple option for supporting your body as it adjusts to fall and prepares for winter.

Thymus/Spleen Tap

Sitting just behind the sternum (breastbone), between the lungs and over the heart - lies the thymus gland.

It plays a vital role in the body's defense against disease.

At birth, the thymus occupies more space than any other endocrine gland, As we age, the thymus shrinks (atrophies), therefore requiring us to be more vigilant in increasing it's immune potential.


Simultaneously TAP the sternum (just below the throat) and the bottom of the LEFT ribs where they round to the side.

Use a firm, definite tap.

Tap 20 to 30 times. Repeat several times a day.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Whew!!!! Change is in the air and has been for quite a few weeks now. As much as we might consciously think we want change, there is an area in the left occipital (back of the head) area of the brain that sees CHANGE AS HARM. It is called the CIA or Common Integrative Area. It will do everything to keep us in an old pattern, however limiting, obnoxious or reactive it may be.

So, what do you do to make a CONS
CIOUS decision or choice? You may naturally know what to do. When shocked or stressed, we have a tendency to bring our hand to our forehead, while thinking or saying, "oh my God!"

We'll call these the OMG points. These are neurovascular points that affect circulation. By holding these points for three to five minutes, you will increase blood flow to this area of the brain. You will find it easier to think more clearly, find creative solutions to the problem and just breathe!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Highly Sensitive Person

"You need to toughen up!"
"You're so thin-skinned!"

You have probably heard that a million times. And, you may have tried to toughen up, but to no avail. There is a reason for that.

Let's look at your actual physical insulation, the thickness of the skin, which serves to insulate nerve receptors from internal and external environmental input. This relates to the entire body: epidermis (skin), the linings of the organs and the sheathes of the nervous and circulatory system. They all reflect the same degree of insulation - or lack of it.

Characteristics of thin-skinned individuals are:

- Small pores;
- Delicate bone structure;
- Fine hair;
- Very thin lines or almost no lines on the forehead;
- Physically sensitive to environmental input - emotional, as well;
- Quicker to respond to stimuli;
- Delicate;
- Able to see the veins clearly in one's hands.

Once you have the awareness that you are thin-skinned, you can begin the process of discovering what to do about it. First, and foremost, you won't grow thick skin! This is INNATELY who you are. This is part of your gift to the world.

Some things to consider:

- Choose to be responsible for your own physical comfort and well-being;
- Get to know what situations feel safe for you;
- Know that less is more in most situations;
- Take care of yourself;
- Use your sensitivity, refinement and discernment as a positive in your life.

You may need support to balance the energy around you and within you. Consider a kinesiology session to remove any blocks that might prevent you from moving forward as well as to find positive ways to take being thin-skinned from a curse to a blessing.

For more information, go to my web site: or e-mail me at:


Friday, February 19, 2010

Another prominent theme that has been surfacing for many of my clients is the concept of STRUGGLE - physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. It has been exciting and rewarding for me to assist in the release of patterns that just aren't working and to help repattern a new belief system. When we come from an "easy button" approach, nothing changes in the outside world, but our new perspective shifts everything on the inside!

I don't work a Staples, nor do I have stock in the company, but I highly recommend buying an Easy Button. I keep mine on my desk and I have to say, from the moment I bought one, it chenged my way of looking at things. There is an easy way and a hard way. How would you like it to be?

To release struggle and move forward toward an inspiring future, consider a kinesiolgy session with me. Check out my web site for more information:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I had the wonderful opportunity last evening to go to a PBS taping of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom with Dr. Christiane Northrup. I've watched her specials on PBS often, but it was exciting to be in her presence as she relayed the valuable information that women (and men) need to know about our bodies.

She represents to me the wish that I have always had - the integration of medical model and holistic thinking and practice. Dr. Northrup's knowledge of the physical body and her understanding of the mental, emotional and spiritual body levels is refreshing. Also encouraging was the number of women present and the overwhelming applause and welcome that Dr. Northrup received.

The time is certainly here for all of us to understand that we are more than our physical body. It's time to trust our body's wisdom and intelligence. For more than 20 years, I've had the opportunity to work with people who subscribe to the above idea. As more and more people get on board with this concept, the world will become a healthier place to live.