Thursday, March 07, 2024


My favorite ritual for staying grounded is to walk in our woods along the many paths that I have made. There are lots of trees. Although, Mother Nature has been dumping so much water with all of the rain storms that we have been having in the past year that trees are getting water logged, splitting and falling. Luckily, another hobby of mine is cutting up trees with the many tools that I've acquired.

But, despite the weather, my favorite woodpeckers are busy every day. Right now I have a large woodpecker that makes sounds that can be heard even when I am inside and another little one that makes the cutest pecking sounds. I also had never heard these birds "talk" to each and the sound they make is fascinating. And... the holes in the trees get bigger every day! I am hoping to see little faces peeking out this spring.

A fact I learned about woodpeckers is that their tongue wraps around their brain as protection for the impact produced with their ability to peck at around 15 miles per hour and sometimes 20 blows per second! Nature is amazing and I get to observe it in every season. Life in New England can't be easy for any species and I marvel at the endurance and tenacity the animals and birds have.

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