Monday, September 16, 2024

Human Design Chart

 A friend of mine introduced me to her archetype information based on a Human Design Chart. I was so intrigued and that, of course, meant I had to look into it. I love studying the different modalities that are able to give an overview of our purpose, gifts and talents, challenges. And, so often, the valuable information validates much of what we know about ourselves and often disregard.

There are many websites that use this comprehensive system with elements from ancient and modern disciplines to create a life blueprint. Some of these elements come from the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system and quantum physics.

The website I visited and ordered my Human Design chart from is: Obviously, there are many more places to go and I am not endorsing this site, but the information I received is so accurate!

To get the human design information, I had to include my birth date and time and where I was born. That's it. 

Of the four human design types - Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors - I am a Projector. Reading my 200+ page overview was like reading the story of my life. I am happy to say, my chosen career path fits precisely based on my profile. The challenges of the Projector are exactly what I have had to learn and overcome and it was a reminder to continue to keep the challenge/solution pages front and center. The lessons are ongoing.

If you are struggling with finding purpose or have difficulty with decision-making or want deeper insight into your personality and overall life path, give Human Design a chance.

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