Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Are You Feeling Drained?

" Adulting" can be more challenging than we ever thought it would be. Right now things are feeling rather heavy, chaotic, draining, exhausting. I am hearing from clients and friends - in the 50+ age range - that childhood felt so simple and uncomplicated. Of course, life without cell phones, texts, emails, social media and 24/7 news was indeed simpler and we didn't know any differently.

I always love to discover a flower essence that can change the vibration of our thinking, feeling and perspective.

I recommend Devil's Club flower essence from Tree Frog Farm -  This is a flower essence for the times that you feel weighted down and world-weary or feel that you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. The affirmation from the flower:

"I am solace to those who are spiritually wounded and world-weary." 


Green Hope Farm - - offers Ragged Robin flower essence for the dark night of the soul. The flower offers:

"I AM order amidst chaos, the connective thread of light amidst significant upheaval. I AM one with the light." 


The Australian Bush flower essence, Mint Bush, is the recommendation  "when you find yourself in a period of perturbation." (Ian White) The affirmations that Ian
suggests are:

"I am now navigating my spiritual initiation with clarity and smoothness."

"I am now letting go of all confusion and chaos in my life."

ABFE can be found at 

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