Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Addicted to Drama

 I just received the book, Addicted to Drama by Dr. Scott Lyons, a holistic psychologist and body-based trauma expert. I'm interested in his take on the dependency of crisis, chaos and trauma, especially for my clients who struggle with trauma exposure responses.

As a behavioral kinesiologist, I spend considerable time helping clients "rewire" their brain and subconscious. There is an area of the brain called the CIA - Common Integrative Area - that loves to hold you in what you know. If trauma or chaos is the norm, your brain will be confused when you are still and quiet. It's looking for the crisis.

I see that Dr. Lyons has some tips for healing that are very reasonable. I would add that you need to become aware of who and what overwhelms you. What is "too much" for you? The world is already overrun with fear, chaos, confusion. Get to know your limits and become aware of when to step away. And, overwhelm happens. What brings you back into balance? Do you need to turn off your phone or tv, take a walk, take a shower, dance, listen to music, take a flower essence, punch a pillow, pet your cat? Do what works for you.

I have always believed that AWARENESS is 99% of the solution to any problem!






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