Fitbit Inc. is a company in San Francisco that manufactures activity tracker products. A Fitbit tracks your steps, miles walked or run, heart rate, steps climbed, quality of sleep, etc. It became the rage in 2007 and still is. You may already have one and use it all the time.
Fitbit is an awareness tool. Awareness is the key word. I am a firm believer that awareness is 99% of the solution to any problem that we have. Wikipedia states:
"Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, thoughts, emotions or sensory patterns."
So, how do you become your own Fitbit and increase your conscious awareness of your thoughts, feelings, activities, challenges, successes, sleep patterns, etc.?
- You may find the good, old-fashioned method of keeping a journal or diary an important first step. The act of writing actually integrates your two brain hemispheres allowing you to become more clear, focused, and yes, aware.
- Develop a ritual of meditation. This could be a silent, solitary
experience, a group meditation or a moving meditation such as
walking, gardening, yoga, knitting, etc. The act itself quiets the
mind and allows for introspection, peacefulness and awareness.
- Your physical body is constantly sending you messages about what is occurring on a deeper level - mental, emotional and/or spiritual.
- A few books that I recommend:
The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal; Heal Your Body by Louise L. Hay; Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup and The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, to name a few. Each of these books offers a holistic awareness of the health and wellness of your body as well as suggestions for changing your perspective and increasing your health naturally.
- As a kinesiologist, I would be remiss if I didn't discuss the power of muscle testing as an awareness tool. Muscle testing is a biofeedback tool that allows you to have access to your Body Wisdom, which includes cellular information on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. You can start to access your Body Wisdom by using your physical body as a pendulum.
- For example: stand up and let your arms rest by your side. Say aloud, "show me what a positive or 'yes' looks like." Your body will start to fall forward. Next say, "show me what a negative or 'no' looks like." Your body will want to fall backward. This simple tool gives you a starting point when you need information or awareness that is true for you.
- To help you with further body awareness, I recommend Donna Eden's book, Energy Medicine or Energy Medicine for Women. It is filled with valuable information and guidance for understanding and healing your body on all levels. It's easy to understand with numerous pictures and energy exercises for feeling more connected and focused. You can also find multiple videos on YouTube, her Facebook page and with many free class opportunities.
"Trust your gut. You know yourself, so don't let somebody else tell you who you are." Tatiana Masiani
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