Monday, September 23, 2024

Good Energy


By now you may have heard about and/or listened to Dr. Casey Means, author of the book Good Energy - The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health. Dr. Means did a fascinating interview along with her brother Callie on Tucker Carlson's network -  I admit that 40 minutes into the interview, I had to take a break. The statistics that Casey fired off about the poor health of our children was devastating. On the positive side, she and her brother are featured on many cable channels and they are opening up the important discussion of health, not just for the children, but for the country's health, as well. 

Even if you, like me, have devoted much of your time, energy and money into being healthy, you will be surprised at what there is still to do. Some of it is out of our hands at the moment and yet many more choices can be made to be healthier. I believe Dr. Casey, along with many others will be instrumental in making it easier to be healthy. There is so much to do, but I remain optimistic. The good energy is in motion.

I highly recommend getting Casey's newsletter. It contains a wealth of information, links for products that can benefit your family's health and lots of recipes.  


Monday, September 16, 2024

Human Design Chart

 A friend of mine introduced me to her archetype information based on a Human Design Chart. I was so intrigued and that, of course, meant I had to look into it. I love studying the different modalities that are able to give an overview of our purpose, gifts and talents, challenges. And, so often, the valuable information validates much of what we know about ourselves and often disregard.

There are many websites that use this comprehensive system with elements from ancient and modern disciplines to create a life blueprint. Some of these elements come from the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system and quantum physics.

The website I visited and ordered my Human Design chart from is: Obviously, there are many more places to go and I am not endorsing this site, but the information I received is so accurate!

To get the human design information, I had to include my birth date and time and where I was born. That's it. 

Of the four human design types - Generators, Projectors, Manifestors and Reflectors - I am a Projector. Reading my 200+ page overview was like reading the story of my life. I am happy to say, my chosen career path fits precisely based on my profile. The challenges of the Projector are exactly what I have had to learn and overcome and it was a reminder to continue to keep the challenge/solution pages front and center. The lessons are ongoing.

If you are struggling with finding purpose or have difficulty with decision-making or want deeper insight into your personality and overall life path, give Human Design a chance.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Today I pulled the Chaos card from The Empathic Oracle deck by Steve Wilson and Michelle Motuzas. Interesting. There is certainly chaos in the world today and I have to ask myself if I am experiencing inner chaos, as a result. I will be considering this today.

Included in the book is a passage for this card:

"Am I free to experience what is offered in this moment of chaos? Or am I hindered by using my energy to hold back the chaos, which holds  all the parts of its wild and energetic abandon? Does the fear of being wild and unfettered cause me to retract into a colorless state?"

Ponder this along with me.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Trauma Release

Thankfully there is a lot of understanding, information and support for the release of trauma in the body. This hasn't always been the case and functional and holistic doctors and practitioners have been leading the charge in the research and understanding of how to identify and release trauma from the body.

Several summers ago, I was able to participate in The Biology of Trauma Summit put on by and Dr. Aimie Apigian. Since then, many more Biology of Trauma summits have been presented with a wide range of authorities on the subject.

I do find myself overwhelmed at times with all of the information that is out there. I like to keep things simple. I have spent years working with clients who have experienced traumas on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual. When their healing can be both gentle and simple, their progress is often quite significant.

I was introduced to Jodie Cohen, founder of Vibrant Blue Oils, in the Biology of
Trauma summit. She is a wealth of knowledge and has created profound essential oils for healing. My favorite for releasing trauma from the body is her Bladder Support essential oil. It is comprised of: Frankincense, Geranium Rose, Helichrysum italicum, Lavender, Petitgrain Combava, Rose Otto, Sandalwood, Spruce, and Valerian Root in a base of fractured coconut oil.

2 -3 drops of the oil are placed over the bladder, over an area of trauma or abuse or around the outside of the earlobes. Jodie states:

"Vibrant Blue Oils Emotion Support Bladder blend allows us to let go of the
negative past and release the emotional trauma from the body. It assists in
overcoming feelings of despair and the feeling of being pushed over the edge. It also has the ability to balance the right and left brain hemispheres."

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Are You Feeling Drained?

" Adulting" can be more challenging than we ever thought it would be. Right now things are feeling rather heavy, chaotic, draining, exhausting. I am hearing from clients and friends - in the 50+ age range - that childhood felt so simple and uncomplicated. Of course, life without cell phones, texts, emails, social media and 24/7 news was indeed simpler and we didn't know any differently.

I always love to discover a flower essence that can change the vibration of our thinking, feeling and perspective.

I recommend Devil's Club flower essence from Tree Frog Farm -  This is a flower essence for the times that you feel weighted down and world-weary or feel that you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. The affirmation from the flower:

"I am solace to those who are spiritually wounded and world-weary." 


Green Hope Farm - - offers Ragged Robin flower essence for the dark night of the soul. The flower offers:

"I AM order amidst chaos, the connective thread of light amidst significant upheaval. I AM one with the light." 


The Australian Bush flower essence, Mint Bush, is the recommendation  "when you find yourself in a period of perturbation." (Ian White) The affirmations that Ian
suggests are:

"I am now navigating my spiritual initiation with clarity and smoothness."

"I am now letting go of all confusion and chaos in my life."

ABFE can be found at