Friday, May 10, 2024

Eye Exercises to Help Your Child With Learning

Here is a repeat message that I have written about in previous blogs that I think is so important:

Your eyes are an extension of your brain and the only part of your brain that can be seen! When your eyes are tired, your brain is tired and the reverse is true, as well.

When your child is having trouble with reading, reading comprehension, math, numbers, spelling and more, the exercises below may help address the challenges.

  • Place one hand on the navel and use the other hand to massage below the collar bone (clavicle bone), close to the middle of your body;
  • Slowly rotate the eyes clockwise and then counter-clockwise;
  • Change hands and repeat. Take frequent deep breaths.

Variations to add to the exercise above:
  • Say the alphabet aloud while rotating the eyes clockwise and counter-clockwise;
  • If the child is having trouble with silent reading, think the alphabet while rotating the eyes;
  • If the stress is with math, replace saying the alphabet with speaking the numbers 1 - 10, while rotating the eyes;
  • The above technique is wonderful for helping your child master the times tables. Use flash cards to start making it easier. 
To have more fun with any of these exercises, be creative: add music, make it a game, add cross-patterning, add a dance. Make learning enjoyable!

If your child gets frustrated at any point, you can always add Frontal/Occipital Holding or OMG points (below) to reduce the stress. Both techniques are valuable tools for any overwhelming situation.

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