Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Gift of Puttering

 "Puttering is really a time to be alone, to dream and to get in touch with yourself....To putter is to discover."

                        - Alexandra Stoddard, write, interior designer

I love to putter. There is no "to do" list or necessity or expectation. It's a solitary adventure that I can do anywhere. When I putter in the garden, I'm checking my plants to see what is blooming or ready to pop or needs more water. Or, I love walking around the gardens and brainstorming new settings or pathways that I could make. It's a quiet time to get grounded, listen to the birds and just marvel at nature.

If you are like me, you love to get the house or apartment to yourself to look through clothes or a drawer or simply organize or rearrange things. It's a time to play music that you love and maybe dance a little and just enjoy a chance to dream.

Puttering is an individual experience and Alexandra Stoddard adds:

"It helps us to become aware of what's still important to us, what continues to have meaning.


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