Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Questions for Self-Care

Part of personal care and support is making sure that you have a strong "discernment meter" in order to recognize who or what is right for you and who or what is not.

Some questions to ask yourself as part of your self-care awareness:

  • Is this something I should participate in?
  • Is this someone or something I need to let go of?
  • Is there an easier way to do this?
  • On a scale of 1 - 10, how important is this?
  • Will there be negative repercussions from following this guidance?
  • Is this in alignment with my morals and values?
  • Is this the best choice for my life purpose or soul's progress?
  • What is my "little voice" telling me?
  • Is this choice for my highest and best?
  • Could I do things differently?
  • Do I need more support?
  • Do I need to set more boundaries?
  • Am I minimizing the importance of this?
  • Do I need to step away from the situation in order to discern?

The book, A Whack on the Side of the Head by Roger von Oech was first published
in 1983 and was used in companies as a creative tool for brainstorming. When I bought this book it also came with The Creative Whack Pack - 64 cards with different strategies and questions for creating new ideas.


What would Walt Disney do?

How do you reverse the way you look at your idea?

Where should your focus be?

What can you take less seriously?

Can you visualize yourself reaching your objective?

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