Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Animal Healing with Muscle Testing and Flower Essences

 In the 35 years as a Holistic Nurse and Kinesiologist, I have the great fortune of working with animals who are in need of healing. That includes dogs, cats, horses and even a falcon.

In fact, it was my aunt's dog, Baron, that lead the two of us into the holistic world and kinesiology or muscle testing. Baron had been having seizures and Sonja was directed to Lillian Poston, an RN and kinesiologist (who worked until she was about 92). It only took a few sessions before the seizures were no longer present! Sonja, also an RN, called me and asked me to go with her to California to study. Keep it mind, this was in the 1980s and holistic was not a word that was used or even understood. A modality like this was considered alternative, Woo Woo and a little crazy. But, when you know, you know. I had been looking for this kind of healing work but didn't know it existed. Sonja's goal was to work with animals and animals who needed care always found her. 

 Most animals respond well to flower essences and gentle modalities. Often, the response is instant. They simply don't get in their way of healing.

Green Hope Farm - see my blog on April 25th - has an entire collection of flower essences for animals. Examples: Anxiety, Flee Free, Healthy Coat, Immune Support and others. www.greenhopeessences.com


 A book I recommend, written by Marie Matthews, is Animal Healing with Australian Bush Flower Essences. It is a terrific resource as she breaks down different healing challenges into chapters with extensive explanations of the flower essences used and why they are prescribed. Examples: Communication and Training, Overcoming Fear, Ageing, Slowing Down, Physical Ailments and more.



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