Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Torso/Leg Lengths and Stress

                "I do most of my work sitting down; that's where I shine.

                                        ~ Robert Benchley


Your torso and leg lengths have a great deal to do with your ability to concentrate, to stay focused, to be comfortable and  to understand your stress response. 

Basic body balance compares the length of the torso to the length of the legs. Someone with long legs/short torso has a higher center of gravity and is more comfortable sitting. Someone with short legs/long torso has a lower center of gravity and is built to move.

Which one are you? (And, you might be somewhere in between)

Extremely Long Legs and Short Torso 

"I am built to SIT. I'm really stressed if I have to be on my feet for a long time during the day. If I am really interested in what I am doing I can force myself to be up. But, at the end of the day I want to sit, relax, watch TV, etc. and regroup."

Extremely Short Legs and Long Torso

"I am built to MOVE. I feel best when I am up and moving. To sit for long periods of time is 'cruel and unusual punishment' for me. At the end of the day I have energy to spare. I want to get out and have some fun or at least go for a run."

**Knowing your body type makes it easier to regulate stress.**

Long Legs/Short Torso - Your best exercise is bike riding, rowing, weight lifting. You can sit and exercise at the same time! Give yourself permission to sit 10 to 15 minutes to regroup after standing for long periods of time.

Short Legs/Long Torso - Discovering your body type may dispel labels such as ADD and ADHD! If you find yourself under stress, MOVE!

If you have a "squirmy" child, check out their leg and torso lengths. You probably already have an idea who needs to move to stay focused. Help them know their true nature.


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