Look what Santa brought me for Christmas this year! It's a vibration plate that I've been researching and wanting to try. I have been using it daily for a couple of weeks. Slowly I've increased the vibrational frequency and experimented with the different foot position: walking, jogging, running. I've added squats in the different positions and tried knee lifts. Balance is still a challenge for me on the plate.
What are the benefits of a vibrational plate?:
- Increased muscle strength;
- Improved balance;
- Increased circulation;
- Improved lymphatic circulation (lymph needs movement);
- Possible weight loss with increased metabolism;
- Healthier endocrine system;
- Decreased stress levels;
- Increased cerebral spinal fluid circulation;
- Pain relief (My low back pain has decreased and some days I have no pain).
As always, you may want to check with your doctor, physical therapist or any practitioner who is supporting your health, to determine if this is right for you. There are risks with any exercise depending on your current health status.
For someone who needs to increase circulation and is challenged with walking or balancing, the vibration plate can be used while sitting. I've tried this technique and I can definitely feel the benefit!