The week between Christmas and the new year, I go into my office and look through all of my drawers, files and bookcases to see what needs to go. Despite bringing very few new items into my office, I am still able to fill a trash bag full of paper and "things."
I have many bookcases with books from nursing school, from all of the holistic courses I've taken over the past 35 years, from Reiki study and so much more. I can't throw a book away as I know the work that goes into the writing, publishing and selling. I can, however, donate the books to the local library for their book sales. I know someone will want and enjoy the books.
I pulled out a book written by Doreen Virtue in 1999 called Constant Craving A - Z, A Simple Guide to Understanding and Healing Your Food Cravings. The book is beautifully created and simple to read and understand. Each food is listed with a possible meaning behind the craving and a positive affirmation that helps develop a better relationship with food.
I just happened to look up Good 'n' Plenty, as it was in my stocking this Christmas. Huh, what does Santa know? OK, it's always hard reading the truth, but here it is:
Good 'n' Plenty - "You feel drained because something worries you." The affirmation: "I take action where warranted, and channel worry into free-flowing meditation. Everything has a purpose."
Thank you Santa. I will take note of this and make sure I do a neurographic art drawing each day. That is my daily meditation that I enjoy.