Sunday, June 23, 2024

Letting Go

Is it time for a social media break? Or, is it time to turn off the TV? Is it time to just say no? Or, is letting go the priority right now?

Because I love to study, collect information, pass on information and then learn something more to share, I am starting to enter the "analysis paralysis" zone. You may know what I mean. I follow many wonderful, well-informed and educated holistic practitioners on Instagram but I am overloaded with information that is often contradictory.

I will share something with you. I am challenged at this time with Lyme, co-infections and other brain infections and I am often gathering information instead of just letting my body guide me. I am no different than anyone else despite all of the years of study. And, they say we teach or write what we most need to learn! So, I am taking a break from Instagram and adding to the healthy choices I am making. Perhaps some of these might help you overcome symptoms of stress or trauma, as well.

  • I allow myself to rest every day and I am telling my brain that I no longer identify with the Energizer Bunny;
  • I am allowing emotions to come through without avoidance. A good cry is just energy leaving the body;
  • I am eating healthy food and enjoying the process of cooking;
  • I am in my flower gardens every day even if it is just to see what is blooming;
  • I go to bed early;
  • I no longer minimize the symptoms that I am experiencing;
  • I am letting myself get help from practitioners who I trust;
  • I am writing in my trauma journal to understand the patterns that no longer serve me. It is so helpful and it is NOT about reliving everything. It is really about LETTING GO;
  • I meet my friends 1 on 1 for coffee and a good laugh;
  • I recognize progress and focus less on the tough days;
  • And, the hardest one for me is to stop blaming myself for the unrealistic expectations I have held for myself and others for most of my life. 

My nervous system is thanking me for taking this time to focus on what I need. My brain is rewiring with new perceptions and ways of thinking. Is it a challenge? Some days it is. The first step is identifying and reducing the patterns that keep you from moving forward. 



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