Thursday, June 27, 2024

Muscle Test with a Dumbbell

In previous blogs on muscle testing, I completely forgot to include the way I occasionally test myself. Self testing can be challenging. It is hard to stay neutral and put aside preconceived notions of what you would like the outcome to be. So, I use a dumbbell.

I have found that a 5 pound weight is just right for me. You might need something lighter or something heavier. Decide what is best for you. 

I prefer resting my forearm on a table with the weight in my hand and my palm facing inward.

Do a practice test: Think of something that makes you happy or is a positive in your life. The weight will stay put and you will be unable to lift it.

Now, think of something stressful or negative and watch the weight life right up.

You have probably experienced the reason why this works. Has anyone said to you, "sit down, I have something to tell you."? They want you to sit down before you fall down from the stress of the conversation.

      Comforting as well as stressful thoughts can affect your muscles.

Practice with this method. It is a wonderful way to test food. Hold the food in one hand as you test with the other. Know that your body's food needs can change often. A negative test may not mean that you are banned forever from eating that food. It may be a temporary sensitivity while you re-balance your body, mind, spirit. Muscle testing is such a wonderful method for getting to know your body and what it needs.



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