Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Muscle Testing Option #1

Can anyone learn to muscle test? YES. As with anything new, it takes time to build confidence. There is no specific time table for feeling comfortable with the science of muscle testing or in your ability to test. Learn and practice at your own pace.

Using your body as a pendulum is one of the best techniques for learning how to test your Higher Self/Body Wisdom/Body Intelligence.



When asking a question, wait for either a forward-tilting response or a backward-tilting response.

For most people, a forward-tilting response indicates a YES/POSITIVE and a backward-tilting response indicates a NO/NEGATIVE response.

**Your job when muscle testing with any technique is to have no expectation of the outcome - to be neutral and attune to yourself or anyone who you are testing.

The first question to ask is: Do I have permission to test?" Honor the outcome.

Practice with simple questions and responses. 

For example, hold something in your hand like a piece of fruit or a supplement and see how your body tilts. Is it a positive response or a negative response.

When teaching a beginner class, I have my students practice muscle testing with pictures on flash cards to see how their body responds. There is no right answer.
Examples of pictures that I use: money, chocolate cake, a snake, fire, a church, a wheelchair, a scale, a clock, a lake, a spider web.

I also have students muscle test words and phrases. Again, there is no right or wrong. It is testing your subconscious perception.


I can't or I can

Life is scary

I trust myself

I can never make enough money

I go with the flow

I love routine and a schedule

I love change.

I'll try 

I learn by seeing and hearing

I learn by touch and doing 

I always say what I mean 




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