Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Wisdom and Healing of Plants

30 years ago my husband and I designed and built a house in the village that I grew up in on Cape Cod. We lived on a dirt road within walking distance to the center of town and enjoyed the peacefulness of our location.

My first priority was to begin establishing gardens around the property. I love to be outside, to get dirty and tend to plants and flowers. And, gardens have always been my place to go to regroup and get grounded after working with clients. 

I had been using flower essences for healing for quite a few years at that point. I decided it was time to start a rose garden with the specific roses for cranial/sacral healing and balancing cerebral spinal fluid. Kinesiology had saved me from years of pain following a traumatic brain injury and the rose flower essences from Perelandra, LTD were supporting the continued progress.

I bought the roses and proceeded to muscle test them. I had hoped they would want to be out by the road as that would add a nice touch to the property. Well, they had other ideas for me. I muscle tested all the areas around the house and the exact spot where the roses wanted to go was where I would often sit and read. Such wisdom! Why would I put the roses away from the house where my body wasn't able to benefit from their healing energy? 

I no longer live on Cape Cod. We designed and built a house in New Hampshire and once again, I have created gardens. I still muscle test any new plants that I either buy or receive and let them guide me as to where they would like to live. Sometimes I am surprised at their choices but I trust their wisdom.


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