Monday, June 03, 2024

How Do Flower Essences Work?

In previous blogs, I've discussed many different flower essences and you may wonder just how they affect each physical and subtle body levels. Below are three different descriptions of the healing power of flowers.

Dr. Edward Bach states the function of flower essences:

"They cure not by attacking disease but by flooding our bodies with beautiful vibrations of our higher nature in the presence of which disease melts as snow in the sunshine." 

Gurudas, the author of Flower Essence and Vibrational Healing, describes the incredible effect flower essences have on the body:

  • When a flower essence is ingested or absorbed through the skin, it initially assimilates into the bloodstream;
  • It then settles midway between the circulatory and nervous systems;
  • Through an electromagnetic current created by the polarity of the above systems, the essence moves directly to the major meridians (energy pathways);
  • Through the pores of the meridians, the energy of the essence is amplified into the Chakras and various subtle bodies and then back again to the physical body. 

Molly Sheehan of Green Hope Farm offers insight into flower essences: 

"It is important to note that flower essences model an inclusive love of our whole self, not a paring away of all that the ego sees as negative. Flower essences reveal the goodness and light that always was out identity: they do not transform us into something brand new. You might say that flower essences are vibrational mirrors, reminding us of what we have long forgotten about ourselves - our complete Divinity."  ( )



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