Monday, June 24, 2024

A Crazy, Good Relationship Story

 I am often asked what muscle testing and face reading have to do with each other. And, believe me, I questioned the same thing when I took my first course at Three In One Concepts in California back in 1987. The following is the rather dramatic story of discovering how the two modalities can work together to give you more awareness, especially in regards to relationships. 37 years later, I still use both!

Sonja (my aunt and soul sister) and I arrived in Burbank, California in 1987 to begin our study of kinesiology. We walked from the B & B where we were staying to the
building where we would take our courses.

As we arrived at the building, a car pulled up and a tall, thin man with long, curly hair, got out. I leaned over to Sonja and said, 'I don't want him working on me!' She looked at me like I was crazy and said, 'You don't even know him.'

It just so happened that Sonja was seated next to the man, named Robert. Sparks flew between us. Gordon Stokes was teaching face reading that day. He looked at Robert and me and started to say that if we were married to each other....and I finished his thought by saying, 'we would kill each other!' If you know me, you know that I wouldn't be caught dead speaking to someone like that. Sonja was in shock.

After class, Sonja grabbed me to do some muscle testing to figure out what was going on. Another student did the same with Robert. We both had to release unpleasant memories of someone from our past that was triggering antagonism towards each other.

Fast forward a week and Sonja, Robert and I were together in another course. I wanted to skip class that day. Sonja wouldn't hear of it. I said I would go ONLY IF ROBERT WOULD WORK WITH ME!' Robert had become the only person who I trusted the most to support me.

The entire class had watched Robert and me go from sparks flying to best friends in a matter of days. We had never met prior, so the animosity had to do with baggage that we brought to the new relationship. Muscle testing and identifying and releasing the triggering facial structures created a genuine friendship.


Over the years I have enjoyed working with couples to identify and release past perceptions and blocks with muscle testing and face reading. The feedback I get is positive as they are able to open up new ways of communicating and getting along. 

I enjoyed writing my book on face reading and having it be a resource for anyone wanting to learn more about themselves or important people in their lives.


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