Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Muscle Testing Option #2

If you have practiced using your body as a pendulum as discussed in the last blog and like doing that, keep practicing. In this blog I offer testing with an actual pendulum as an option. 

I love watching the students who use a pendulum as their technique for muscle testing. Because I started out learning to physically test Anterior Deltoid muscle and had developed confidence in it, I never felt completely comfortable using a pendulum. If you start with it, I guarantee you will become quite adept at it.

Many do find using a pendulum for testing to be the most accurate and most comfortable.

If you choose to use a pendulum, practice to insure that you are clear as to what a Yes/Positive response looks like and what a No/Negative response looks like.

Decide if it is easier to use standing or sitting. 

Before you start testing, make sure that you are grounded and have had enough water to be hydrated.

  • Hold the pendulum at the heart center where the vibration of your energy system lies. 
  • Ask to see a YES response. I often instruct to ask for a STRONG YES. See how your pendulum swings.
  • Ask to see a NO response or a STRONG NO. See how the pendulum swings.

Keep it simple to start. Have fun with it.


My first experience with muscle testing was with a spider plant. The "babies" hung down near other plants in the sun space. I moved the plant and the babies to another spot in the house. I asked, "Does the plant have enough water?" YES. "Is there enough sun?" YES. "Is the plant happy?" NO. Huh. Then I asked, "Would the plant be happy in the original spot?" YES. 

I had a great chuckle and marveled at what nature knows! The spider plant and her babies enjoyed being with all of the other plants

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