Saturday, June 22, 2024

Get to Know YOU

The amount of "self-help" modalities, books and resources has skyrocketed since I first studied kinesiology 35 years ago and entered the field of holistic health and well-being. Although I certainly see this as a positive thing, I am concerned that too many people have become focused only on what is "wrong" with them, with the expectation that with enough "work" they will finally be fully healthy - body, mind, spirit. I hate to burst the bubble, but you are here to make mistakes, learn and grow. You can always find something that needs to be fixed, changed or re-balanced.

I offer this suggestion: 

Spend some time focusing on the positive qualities that you already have, what you are proud of, what you've accomplished or what you are good at. Give yourself a pat on the back each day, not from an ego place, but from an observation place. Be aware of your positive qualities, talents, values, abilities, passions, accomplishments. See what other people already see in you.

A while back I decided to create a private Pinterest folder with passions that I have had and still have. I learned a lot as I could see a common thread that also highlighted many of my abilities and accomplishments from skiing, to creating jewelry, to gardening, to making paths in my woods with my JawSaw. My passions are also ways that I regroup, get out of my head, create something and simply relax or have fun. 

Enjoy exploring all aspects of YOU. There will always be something you want to learn, feel better about, heal and let go of. First, be aware of all that you offer the world!




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