Thursday, June 27, 2024

Muscle Test with a Dumbbell

In previous blogs on muscle testing, I completely forgot to include the way I occasionally test myself. Self testing can be challenging. It is hard to stay neutral and put aside preconceived notions of what you would like the outcome to be. So, I use a dumbbell.

I have found that a 5 pound weight is just right for me. You might need something lighter or something heavier. Decide what is best for you. 

I prefer resting my forearm on a table with the weight in my hand and my palm facing inward.

Do a practice test: Think of something that makes you happy or is a positive in your life. The weight will stay put and you will be unable to lift it.

Now, think of something stressful or negative and watch the weight life right up.

You have probably experienced the reason why this works. Has anyone said to you, "sit down, I have something to tell you."? They want you to sit down before you fall down from the stress of the conversation.

      Comforting as well as stressful thoughts can affect your muscles.

Practice with this method. It is a wonderful way to test food. Hold the food in one hand as you test with the other. Know that your body's food needs can change often. A negative test may not mean that you are banned forever from eating that food. It may be a temporary sensitivity while you re-balance your body, mind, spirit. Muscle testing is such a wonderful method for getting to know your body and what it needs.



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Standing Still IS Moving Forward

Consider this:

Standing still and moving forward are not mutually exclusive! 

It seems that many of us are on the fast track to get somewhere, do something memorable, mark our mark and find purpose. But, at what cost? How much can the body take? We would never consciously run a marathon 365 days a year and yet we often live this was.

"You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose."

                Indira Gandhi

Years ago I had a passion for ice dancing. I had a partner, two pros and I spent 10 years and more hours than I can count at the skating rink. I couldn't get enough. The day came, though, when I couldn't do anything right. I kept falling, I didn't want to be there and I got so frustrated that I told my partner I was taking a week off. I put my skates away, didn't think of the dances we were learning and just took a break.

Returning to the rink the following week was magical and you would think I had been practicing 24/7. Everything clicked. By stopping and giving my mind and body a rest, I actually moved forward in my progress. 

I have kept this experience in my mind and refer to it when I feel myself pushing too hard. 


A few books to consider with this thought of taking a rest:

The Art of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson is an easy to read, life-changing book. She offers 12 strategies to transform your life one month at a time, such as The Absolute No List, Soul-Loving Space, Wake Up! and more.

If introspection and insight is what you feel drawn to, Julia Cameron's books offer that. The Artist's Way, The Vein of Gold and Walking in this World offer tools and tasks for creative self-discovery. You will never look at your life in the same way. 

The process that Julia takes you through covers a significant time frame, so you don't have to expect immediate results. It's a chance to be the tortoise and not the hare.



Monday, June 24, 2024

A Crazy, Good Relationship Story

 I am often asked what muscle testing and face reading have to do with each other. And, believe me, I questioned the same thing when I took my first course at Three In One Concepts in California back in 1987. The following is the rather dramatic story of discovering how the two modalities can work together to give you more awareness, especially in regards to relationships. 37 years later, I still use both!

Sonja (my aunt and soul sister) and I arrived in Burbank, California in 1987 to begin our study of kinesiology. We walked from the B & B where we were staying to the
building where we would take our courses.

As we arrived at the building, a car pulled up and a tall, thin man with long, curly hair, got out. I leaned over to Sonja and said, 'I don't want him working on me!' She looked at me like I was crazy and said, 'You don't even know him.'

It just so happened that Sonja was seated next to the man, named Robert. Sparks flew between us. Gordon Stokes was teaching face reading that day. He looked at Robert and me and started to say that if we were married to each other....and I finished his thought by saying, 'we would kill each other!' If you know me, you know that I wouldn't be caught dead speaking to someone like that. Sonja was in shock.

After class, Sonja grabbed me to do some muscle testing to figure out what was going on. Another student did the same with Robert. We both had to release unpleasant memories of someone from our past that was triggering antagonism towards each other.

Fast forward a week and Sonja, Robert and I were together in another course. I wanted to skip class that day. Sonja wouldn't hear of it. I said I would go ONLY IF ROBERT WOULD WORK WITH ME!' Robert had become the only person who I trusted the most to support me.

The entire class had watched Robert and me go from sparks flying to best friends in a matter of days. We had never met prior, so the animosity had to do with baggage that we brought to the new relationship. Muscle testing and identifying and releasing the triggering facial structures created a genuine friendship.


Over the years I have enjoyed working with couples to identify and release past perceptions and blocks with muscle testing and face reading. The feedback I get is positive as they are able to open up new ways of communicating and getting along. 

I enjoyed writing my book on face reading and having it be a resource for anyone wanting to learn more about themselves or important people in their lives.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Letting Go

Is it time for a social media break? Or, is it time to turn off the TV? Is it time to just say no? Or, is letting go the priority right now?

Because I love to study, collect information, pass on information and then learn something more to share, I am starting to enter the "analysis paralysis" zone. You may know what I mean. I follow many wonderful, well-informed and educated holistic practitioners on Instagram but I am overloaded with information that is often contradictory.

I will share something with you. I am challenged at this time with Lyme, co-infections and other brain infections and I am often gathering information instead of just letting my body guide me. I am no different than anyone else despite all of the years of study. And, they say we teach or write what we most need to learn! So, I am taking a break from Instagram and adding to the healthy choices I am making. Perhaps some of these might help you overcome symptoms of stress or trauma, as well.

  • I allow myself to rest every day and I am telling my brain that I no longer identify with the Energizer Bunny;
  • I am allowing emotions to come through without avoidance. A good cry is just energy leaving the body;
  • I am eating healthy food and enjoying the process of cooking;
  • I am in my flower gardens every day even if it is just to see what is blooming;
  • I go to bed early;
  • I no longer minimize the symptoms that I am experiencing;
  • I am letting myself get help from practitioners who I trust;
  • I am writing in my trauma journal to understand the patterns that no longer serve me. It is so helpful and it is NOT about reliving everything. It is really about LETTING GO;
  • I meet my friends 1 on 1 for coffee and a good laugh;
  • I recognize progress and focus less on the tough days;
  • And, the hardest one for me is to stop blaming myself for the unrealistic expectations I have held for myself and others for most of my life. 

My nervous system is thanking me for taking this time to focus on what I need. My brain is rewiring with new perceptions and ways of thinking. Is it a challenge? Some days it is. The first step is identifying and reducing the patterns that keep you from moving forward. 



Saturday, June 22, 2024

Get to Know YOU

The amount of "self-help" modalities, books and resources has skyrocketed since I first studied kinesiology 35 years ago and entered the field of holistic health and well-being. Although I certainly see this as a positive thing, I am concerned that too many people have become focused only on what is "wrong" with them, with the expectation that with enough "work" they will finally be fully healthy - body, mind, spirit. I hate to burst the bubble, but you are here to make mistakes, learn and grow. You can always find something that needs to be fixed, changed or re-balanced.

I offer this suggestion: 

Spend some time focusing on the positive qualities that you already have, what you are proud of, what you've accomplished or what you are good at. Give yourself a pat on the back each day, not from an ego place, but from an observation place. Be aware of your positive qualities, talents, values, abilities, passions, accomplishments. See what other people already see in you.

A while back I decided to create a private Pinterest folder with passions that I have had and still have. I learned a lot as I could see a common thread that also highlighted many of my abilities and accomplishments from skiing, to creating jewelry, to gardening, to making paths in my woods with my JawSaw. My passions are also ways that I regroup, get out of my head, create something and simply relax or have fun. 

Enjoy exploring all aspects of YOU. There will always be something you want to learn, feel better about, heal and let go of. First, be aware of all that you offer the world!




Friday, June 21, 2024

The Doctrine of Signatures of Plants

The Doctrine of Signatures of plants and flowers, which has been used for centuries, is nature's clue to it's healing properties. This includes:

  • The SHAPE of the plant or flower;
  • The SCENT;
  • The TASTE;
  • The GROWTH PATTERN: how it grows - is it low to the ground; does it have a great deal of height; does it grow in clusters;

  • The COLOR: red often suggests anger or energy, pink suggests a love vibration, yellow suggests mental level energy;
  • The NUMBER of petals: knowledge of numerology assists  with understanding the significance. Example: the number 5 has an emotional  component, the number 3 deals with the mental plane and imagination;

  • The SIZE;
  • The LOCATION: does it grow in the sun, shade, around or in moisture, in a dry area, in a mountain region, etc.;
  • The TOUCH/FEEL of the plant: is it soft, brittle, thorny. 


Here is an example of Fringed Violet, an Australian Bush flower that creates an amazing essence - most popular with my clients:


Fringed Violet is about 5.5" with long, smooth stems;

The violet flower has 3 fringed petals which resemble the aura. One of it's main functions is to restore a person's aura after it has been damaged by shock or trauma; 

Following any type of shock, illness, surgery, accident, bad news, etc., taking Fringed Violet helps the body go back to the time of the trauma and neutralize it.

It blooms in spring and summer and prefers sunny areas;

The purple flowers only open for a single morning!

Ian White says: "For some time after birth, a baby's aura is open. Putting a few drops of the Fringed Violet essence on the spot and making the sign of the cross over it will help to close the aura to negative influences."

Affirmations for Fringed Violet:

"My life force now radiates good health and vitality."

"I am balanced and integrated and have universal protection now."


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Wisdom and Healing of Plants

30 years ago my husband and I designed and built a house in the village that I grew up in on Cape Cod. We lived on a dirt road within walking distance to the center of town and enjoyed the peacefulness of our location.

My first priority was to begin establishing gardens around the property. I love to be outside, to get dirty and tend to plants and flowers. And, gardens have always been my place to go to regroup and get grounded after working with clients. 

I had been using flower essences for healing for quite a few years at that point. I decided it was time to start a rose garden with the specific roses for cranial/sacral healing and balancing cerebral spinal fluid. Kinesiology had saved me from years of pain following a traumatic brain injury and the rose flower essences from Perelandra, LTD were supporting the continued progress.

I bought the roses and proceeded to muscle test them. I had hoped they would want to be out by the road as that would add a nice touch to the property. Well, they had other ideas for me. I muscle tested all the areas around the house and the exact spot where the roses wanted to go was where I would often sit and read. Such wisdom! Why would I put the roses away from the house where my body wasn't able to benefit from their healing energy? 

I no longer live on Cape Cod. We designed and built a house in New Hampshire and once again, I have created gardens. I still muscle test any new plants that I either buy or receive and let them guide me as to where they would like to live. Sometimes I am surprised at their choices but I trust their wisdom.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Possible Questions for Muscle Testing

Information to be gathered with muscle testing is endless. Below are a few suggestions to consider for use with your pendulum, sway test or any muscle testing method.


Questions you might ask:

Do I have permission to ask this question?

Am I asking the right question?

Do I need to ask anything else?

Is it best to participate in this? 

Is it highest and best to share this information?

Will there be any negative repercussions from following this guidance?

Is this the best choice for my life purpose or soul's progress?

Is this reasonable and in alignment with my morals and values?

Do I need a second opinion?

Is this in my scope of knowledge?

Is there an easier way to do this?

Is this something I need to let go of?

Is this for me to be involved with?

Is it safe for me to test today? 

Is there a body level that needs my attention: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual?

When testing food choices, I use a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being food is almost like medicine for your body. Since your body's needs are always changing, it helps to test foods periodically to see what is best at the time.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Muscle Testing Option #4

You may have already tried the muscle testing options from the previous blogs. I offer another alternative which you may find a little more challenging if you are learning this without guidance of a teacher or mentor.

One of the best guides for muscle testing is Touch For Health by John Thie, DC and Matthew Thie, M.Ed.

Any muscle can be used for testing provided you can get what is called a CLEAR CIRCUIT, meaning the muscle holds strong for a YES and gives way for a NO. Determine how much pressure you want to use. Know that the lighter the touch, the easier it is to feel the strong and weak response.


Testing using the DELTOID MUSCLE

Testing using the FASCIA LATA muscle




Thursday, June 13, 2024

Muscle Testing Option #3

The muscle testing technique that I use primarily when working on the phone with a client is finger testing. 

Bring your thumb and index finger of one hand inside a circle made with the opposite thumb and index finger.

Use the same amount of pressure each time you test. Find pressure that feels right for you. On a scale of 1 - 10, where 10 is very strong, keep testing around a 5 or under.

A YES response will hold strong and a NO response will cause your fingers to slide out.


A variation of the above finger testing:


Another way to finger test:

Place your middle finger on top of your index finger;

Press down;

A YES response will hold strong;

A NO response will cause the fingers to drop.

With any of the muscle testing techniques in this or the previous blogs, practice as much as you can. Keep it simple at first. Test you body's response to pictures, words, beliefs, colors, food. The wonderful outcome is developing a greater awareness of your body's response or reaction to the people, places, things you encounter daily.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Muscle Testing Option #2

If you have practiced using your body as a pendulum as discussed in the last blog and like doing that, keep practicing. In this blog I offer testing with an actual pendulum as an option. 

I love watching the students who use a pendulum as their technique for muscle testing. Because I started out learning to physically test Anterior Deltoid muscle and had developed confidence in it, I never felt completely comfortable using a pendulum. If you start with it, I guarantee you will become quite adept at it.

Many do find using a pendulum for testing to be the most accurate and most comfortable.

If you choose to use a pendulum, practice to insure that you are clear as to what a Yes/Positive response looks like and what a No/Negative response looks like.

Decide if it is easier to use standing or sitting. 

Before you start testing, make sure that you are grounded and have had enough water to be hydrated.

  • Hold the pendulum at the heart center where the vibration of your energy system lies. 
  • Ask to see a YES response. I often instruct to ask for a STRONG YES. See how your pendulum swings.
  • Ask to see a NO response or a STRONG NO. See how the pendulum swings.

Keep it simple to start. Have fun with it.


My first experience with muscle testing was with a spider plant. The "babies" hung down near other plants in the sun space. I moved the plant and the babies to another spot in the house. I asked, "Does the plant have enough water?" YES. "Is there enough sun?" YES. "Is the plant happy?" NO. Huh. Then I asked, "Would the plant be happy in the original spot?" YES. 

I had a great chuckle and marveled at what nature knows! The spider plant and her babies enjoyed being with all of the other plants

Muscle Testing Option #1

Can anyone learn to muscle test? YES. As with anything new, it takes time to build confidence. There is no specific time table for feeling comfortable with the science of muscle testing or in your ability to test. Learn and practice at your own pace.

Using your body as a pendulum is one of the best techniques for learning how to test your Higher Self/Body Wisdom/Body Intelligence.



When asking a question, wait for either a forward-tilting response or a backward-tilting response.

For most people, a forward-tilting response indicates a YES/POSITIVE and a backward-tilting response indicates a NO/NEGATIVE response.

**Your job when muscle testing with any technique is to have no expectation of the outcome - to be neutral and attune to yourself or anyone who you are testing.

The first question to ask is: Do I have permission to test?" Honor the outcome.

Practice with simple questions and responses. 

For example, hold something in your hand like a piece of fruit or a supplement and see how your body tilts. Is it a positive response or a negative response.

When teaching a beginner class, I have my students practice muscle testing with pictures on flash cards to see how their body responds. There is no right answer.
Examples of pictures that I use: money, chocolate cake, a snake, fire, a church, a wheelchair, a scale, a clock, a lake, a spider web.

I also have students muscle test words and phrases. Again, there is no right or wrong. It is testing your subconscious perception.


I can't or I can

Life is scary

I trust myself

I can never make enough money

I go with the flow

I love routine and a schedule

I love change.

I'll try 

I learn by seeing and hearing

I learn by touch and doing 

I always say what I mean 




Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Muscle Testing 101

                The only source of information about YOU. 

Discovering the gentle, powerful, bio-feedback tool called muscle testing or *Kinesiology, can change your life.

Acknowledgement for the science of Kinesiology goes to George Goodheart, the "father" of Applied Kinesiology, John Thie - Touch for Health, Paul Denison - Brain Gym/
Educational Kinesiology and Gordon Stokes and Daniel Whiteside - Three In One Concepts, Inc. who I had the wonderful opportunity to study with, and of course, all those who continue to utilize and teach the concepts.



  • Muscle testing is a unique approach to wellness, prevention and stress management;
  • Muscle testing is a bio-feedback tool that identifies blocks that occur on the physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual body levels;
  • Muscle testing makes it possible to identify and release unresolved emotional stress and negative beliefs and fears that keep you from functioning up to your full potential; 
  • Muscle testing is a quick and reliable means of getting information from your Body Wisdom, eliminating guesswork and interpretation;
  • Muscle testing has proven remarkable effective for relieving a wide range of stress-related problems including: depression, anxiety, addictions, phobias, weight issues, learning problems, relationship challenges and more. Any problem caused by negative emotional stress can be treated with this system.


* KINESIOLOGY = the study of muscles and motion. Using kinesiology/muscle testing to identify and release stress/blocks, allows you to move forward with clarity, confidence and success.


Thursday, June 06, 2024

Figure 8's for the Brain and Learning

In the field of Kinesiology - Applied Kinesiology, Behavioral Kinesiology, Brain Gym - figure 8 exercises are used in many ways to reduce stress, relax the mind, integrate the brain hemispheres and make life and learning easier.

Paul Dennison, Ph.D. and creator of Edu-Kinesthetics and Brain Gym developed exercises to enhance whole-brain learning and empower learners. Many teachers incorporate these simple tools, especially figure 8's, into the classroom curriculum.

My first course at Three In One Concepts was called One Brain - Dyslexic Learning Correction and Brain Integration. Figure 8 exercises and the theory behind them were an instrumental part of the course. 

Years ago, I had the opportunity to teach brain exercises to teachers who included them in their morning meetings with students in grades K - 3. Many reported back that the students asked to do the exercises again after lunch!

There is no wrong way to "play" with figure 8's. Just doodling an 8 or infinity symbol activates the integration of the brain hemispheres. A simple exercise to incorporate more movement is below. Add music to make it more enjoyable.

  • Standing, use your arms (or one arm at a time) to sway with your body while creating a sideways figure 8.
  • Go up and over on the right, circle down, then up and over on the left, circle down and then again up and over to the right. Repeat as often as you like.

Find a flow that feels comfortable for you. If standing is too difficult, do the exercise sitting. Your brain doesn't really care! 

If you have shoulder discomfort, grab a big piece of paper and doodle figure 8's. Follow the tracing with your eyes. Reverse the flow and see if one is easier than the other.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Program a Positive Feeling

The next time you are remembering a wonderful experience that you have had, make an imprint of these feelings. This exercise takes less than a minute to do and immediately begins a re-programming of your nervous system. 

Focus on the positive feelings associated with the memory or a present time experience that you are having.

With your fingertips, lightly tap the feeling into the spot between your eyebrows. This is the third eye point and also near the beginning of bladder meridian. All of the nerves coming down your spine are on this energy pathway.

Tapping at this point begins the process of programming a positive feeling, a positive experience, a positive memory. Do this any time your heart "sings" and create a new thought pattern for your brain.

This simple exercise may have you looking for and expecting to find positive moments. What a wonderful shift in perspective. Yes, the world is a little crazy right now, and yes, people may disappoint you. AND what if a stranger stops you and compliments you on your beautiful blue eyes? Tap in that feeling and enjoy the moment!


Tuesday, June 04, 2024

16 Warning Signs of Trauma Exposure Response

If you are someone who has experienced trauma throughout your life or you are a trauma worker and want to maintain your health and well-being, I recommend Trauma Stewardship, An everyday Guide to Caring for Self When Caring For Others by Laura van Denoot Lipsky. Her TED talk, stories and guidance has helped me tremendously as I support those who have experienced many degrees of trauma. 

Knowing the warning signs of trauma exposure response is extremely valuable. It gives you a place to start with your own healing process. 

Visit the website: 

 16 Warning Signs:

 Feeling Helpless and Hopeless

·      A Sense That One can Never Do Enough

·      Hypervigilant

·      Diminished Creativity

·      Inability to Embrace Complexity

·      Minimizing

·      Chronic Exhaustion/Physical Ailments

·      Inability to Listen/Deliberate Avoidance

       Dissociative Moments     

·      Sense of Persecution

·      Guilt

·      Fear

·      Anger and Cynicism

·      Inability to Empathize/Numbing

·      Addictions

       Grandiosity: An Inflated Sense of Importance to One's work